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Packed with Protein: Essential Diet for Seniors


When we reach our senior years, our diets need to change. Various conditions, including weaker bodies and blurry vision, may affect our diet. To ensure our health, it becomes a priority to prepare nutritious meals with the help of reliable companionship services. With that in mind, our care team can help prepare protein-rich foods to ensure stronger bodies.

Protein is necessary for healthy muscles and bones. When you exercise less or not at all, your bones and muscles become weaker, increasing your risk of falling. Thus, our senior care in Pennsylvania will be more than glad to assist with:

  • Breakfast

    Some people start their day with breakfast eggs, which are a good source of protein. You can also get more protein by pairing eggs with cereal and milk, and bite-sized meat products. Add in fruits and veggies, too!

  • Lunch

    For lunch, take a sandwich for a spin during this time. Add vegetables, tuna, sardines, cheese, ham, butter, or margarine. Fruits that are easy to chew can go well with this. Lunch will also go well with fruit smoothies for a cool and refreshing drink.

  • Dinner

    Go light on dinner, as a heavy meal can affect your senior’s sleep at night. A generous helping of salad is a great starter. Make it a point to include nuts, tofu, or leftover meat to make salads much more pleasant to consume. You can also look up protein-rich recipes online.

KeynCare, your trusted home health agency in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, believes that seniors can make the most of their lives despite their age by following a healthy diet.

Thus, we offer home care in Collingdale, Pennsylvania, to make high-quality senior living a possibility. Call us now!

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