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Hygiene Tips for Bed-Bound Individuals


Part of our senior care in Pennsylvania is considering that some clients are bed-bound during their recovery process. This can be an overwhelming experience, but our goal as caregivers should always be to keep your loved one clean and comfortable. By understanding how best to keep your loved one clean while confined to their bedroom, we ensure that they maintain their dignity even as they struggle with illness.

As a trusted provider for home care in Collingdale, Pennsylvania, here are some tips for improving hygiene while your loved one is bed-bound:

  • Place a towel under the head
    This will protect the pillow from moisture and oils that can cause stains. The towels should be large enough to cover the entire cushion, clean and dry, changed regularly, and laundered after each use.
  • Position the bed properly
    Right-handers should be positioned on the right side of the bed, while left-handers are best placed on the left side.
  • Clean them from head to foot
    Starting with the top of the body, clean from head to foot. Do not begin at any other part of the body than at the top and work your way down.

We hope this post has given you some helpful tips for your loved one’s comfort.

KeynCare is your trusted provider for home health care. We provide quality care to our patients in a professional, compassionate, and caring manner. We offer a wide range of services to help you or your loved one live comfortably at home.

We are the best home health agency in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. If you want to know more about us or have any questions about our services, please call us at 484-497-6949.

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