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Common Medication Errors Seniors Should Look Out For


Because seniors tend to experience various ailments simultaneously, most of us will find them managing multiple medications. This increases their vulnerability to medication errors, which is why the need for medication assistance cannot be overstated.

Here at KeynCare, we put our best efforts into supporting seniors and their families via our home health agency in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. However, we not only wish to help our community through our services. We also aim to extend our help to every household by sharing our knowledge and expertise.

As advocates of senior care in Pennsylvania, allow us to share the most common medication errors along with how you can help to avoid them:

  • Ignoring Dosing Requirements

    Certain prescriptions come with very specific dosing instructions. If the directions are not followed, the medication may not function as well as it should or may cause harm. As such, ensure to thoroughly read all medicine labels.

  • Polypharmacy and Drug Interactions

    While each medication may be safe on its own, combining them might result in drug interactions that are difficult to detect and comprehend. Caregivers can avoid this problem by keeping a full list of all prescriptions and sharing it with a health provider if a new medication is recommended.

  • Mixing Up Medications

    Many seniors are also at increased risk of taking incorrect medications. This can be caused by similar names or medicines that look a lot like each other. To avoid this, consider organizing medications into pillboxes ahead of time.

If you require help in looking after an aging loved one, our home health care might just be what you need!

Access the best home care in Collingdale, Pennsylvania with us!

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