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More often than not, people diagnosed with dementia prefer to stay in the comfort of their homes. Understandably so, because it’s a familiar environment filled with beautiful memories of moments with loved ones. In fact, research has proven that 70 percent of people who have been diagnosed with all kinds of dementia remain at home. According to the research, staying at home helped them live longer, stay happier, and healthier. Dementia is a very challenging disease. It takes its toll on the patient and the loved one, which is why getting help at home is unarguably the best option.

Having to care for a loved one with dementia while managing your personal and professional life can be a lot. Home care agencies are professionally trained to make things easier. When considering getting help at home, you have to consider looking for the best home care near you. The help needs to be able to connect with the patient and develop a personal rapport with them. There are many reasons why home care is perfect for dementia care, and we will tell you all about it.

Personalized Care
Whether it’s Alzheimer care for seniors or any form of dementia, personalized care is necessary for the patient. In-home care makes personalized care easy. Your loved ones can be taken care of and responded to based on their personal needs. Home care can afford you and your loved one both the physical and emotional support you need.

When dementia kicks in, your loved one must be in a familiar space, surrounded by people and things they know. This eases the journey for them and helps them to retain their memory longer. One thing we are most watchful of in patients with dementia is constant falls which can lead to serious injuries and hospitalization. A dedicated help at home will offer assistance with movement and help to keep your loved ones in a safe position. Compared to a care home with an unfamiliar environment, where there are not enough hands or help to go around.

Evolving Care
It’s common knowledge that dementia could get worse with time, and the needs of the patients may evolve. Care homes can only offer basic general care. But a home care agency will closely monitor the patient and know when to change care patterns. Help at home can easily adjust and blend with any change that arises to keep the patient comfortable and well-rested.

Routine Care and Independence
Dementia often comes with anxiety and panic attacks. A beautiful routine can help keep this in check, timely cleans, drugs, and check-ins keep their minds at ease. It also gives them a sense of organization and keeps them from getting distracted, seeing as their mind is often unorganized. Being at home with loved ones means they’re somewhat independent, not without assistance, of course. It’s important to them that they don’t feel trapped.

Home care is simply the best option for dementia care. Amazing activities, hands-on assistance, and personalized one-on-one care at an affordable price? It can only be home care. Let’s help you take care of your loved ones with the full attention that they deserve today.

Reference for research:

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